Stavely Project Report 10 - Compilation of petrophysical data for the Stavely Project
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Product description:Introduction: The Stavely Project is a collaborative geoscience research project between Geoscience Australia and the Victorian Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (represented by the Geological Survey of Victoria). The aim of the Stavely Project is to improve the understanding of the regional geological architecture and mineral prospectivity of western Victoria, in particular the Cambrian-aged Stavely Arc. Executive Summary: This report provides a compilation and statistical analysis of petrophysical (rock property) data for the Stavely Project area, based on stratigraphic and lithological populations from bedrock and cover sequences. A total of 1,940 m of diamond drill core from 21 drill holes within the Stavely Project area were scanned by Multi-Sensor Core Logger equipment at the AuScope Australian Geophysical Observing System at The University of Melbourne resulting in a combined total of 216,699 measurements for five petrophysical properties: density, magnetic susceptibility, P-wave velocity, electrical resistivity and natural gamma. Thirteen of the drill holes were completed as part of the Stavely Project pre-competitive stratigraphic drilling program. Additional determinations of density and magnetic susceptibility were derived for selected samples from a further 16 historical diamond drill holes within the Stavely Project area, housed at the Geological Survey of Victoria’s Drill Core Library. The petrophysical data have been collated, analysed, and provide constraints for the interpretation of geophysical datasets. Some of these geophysical datasets have been crucial in understanding the geodynamic and tectonic setting and mineral systems potential of the Cambrian-aged Stavely Arc – now mostly hidden beneath younger cover – and have informed the development of a new 3D geological model for the region. Processed and validated petrophysical data are provided for download with this report. Bibliographic reference: Skladzien, P.B., 2018. Compilation of petrophysical data for the Stavely Project. Stavely Project Report 10. Geological Survey of Victoria. Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources. Download: The downloadable version of this report is supplied in PDF format (54.0 MB), RTF text only (1911 kb) and Appendices (ZIP 4.9 MB). |