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GU Report 2 - Assessment of undiscovered mesozonal orogenic gold endowment under cover in the northern part of the Bendigo Zone

GU Report 2 - Assessment of undiscovered mesozonal orogenic gold endowment under cover in the northern part of the Bendigo Zone
Category: Gold Undercover Reports Product Code: MP-R-34175

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The exposed, central part of the Bendigo Structural Zone contains most of the richest gold deposits discovered in Victoria. This report details the method and results of an assessment of the undiscovered endowment of mesozonal orogenic gold in the northern, covered part of the Bendigo Zone. The northern part of the Bendigo Zone also has high potential for undiscovered gold deposits of other types, but this report considers only the style that historically provided the most important gold mineralisation in the central part of the Bendigo Zone. The assessment method used is scientifically substantiated, unbiased and repeatable.

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Bibliographic reference Lisitsin, V., Olshina, A., Moore, D.H. & Willman, C.E., 2007. Assessment of undiscovered mesozonal orogenic gold endowment under cover in the northern part of the Bendigo Zone. GeoScience Victoria Gold Undercover Report 2. Department of Primary Industries.

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