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GSV Report 71 - Explanatory notes on the Beechworth 1:50 000 geological map

GSV Report 71 - Explanatory notes on the Beechworth 1:50 000 geological map
Category: Geological Survey Reports Product Code: MP-R-04085

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Product description:

Introduction The Beechworth 1:50 000 sheet area, bounded by latitudes 36°30' and 146°45', is situated on the northern edge of the Victorian Central Highlands. It is dominated by rolling hills and tors of the Pilot Range Granite in the north, and by the alluvium-filled Murmungee Basin in the south. Ordovician sediments, comprising much of the southern half of the area, rise in the east to form the Dingle Range on the eastern flanks of the Murmungee Basin.

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Bibliographic reference O'Shea, P.J., 1981. Explanatory notes on the Beechworth 1:50 000 geological map. Geological Survey of Victoria Report 71. Department of Minerals & Energy, Victoria.

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