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GU Report 18 - A magnetotelluric survey to the north of the 2006 central Victorian seismic transect: final report

GU Report 18 - A magnetotelluric survey to the north of the 2006 central Victorian seismic transect: final report
Category: Gold Undercover Reports Product Code: MP-R-36635

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Introduction During April/May 2007 and August/September 2008 two magnetotelluric (MT) surveys were completed in north central Victoria as part of GeoScience Victoria’s (GSV) Gold Undercover Initiative. Situated in the western sub-province of the Lachlan Fold Belt the area has been associated with significant economic activity since the discovery of gold in the area in the mid 1800s. The Victorian goldfields have contributed over 2% of total world production (Phillips and Hughes, 1996), however current exploration is restricted by the extensive cover of Murray Basin sediments in the north-west of the State (Hough et al., 2007).

In recent times, traditional exploration methods based on surface sampling have had little success in the region obscured by Murray Basin cover. Consequently several geophysical surveys have now been conducted to assist in delineating the core structural features as an aid to further exploration. The current MT surveys have been designed therefore in part to extrapolate structures previously identified using seismic reflection methods, to delineate regions which lie to the north hidden under Murray Basin cover, and to investigate potential gold bearing structures extending to greater depths. Regions with potential gold bearing rocks hidden under extensive surface cover are indicated by Figure 1; these are considered prime prospective areas by GSV.

The first of the MT surveys (MT07 completed in 2007) followed the line of the predictive mineral discovery CRC central Victorian seismic transect, completed in 2006. The MT07 survey ran approximately east to west north of Bendigo and comprised of three separate sections, the longest of which, line 2, covered around 170 km crossing several fault zones and two significant sub-divisions of the orogen (namely the Bendigo and Melbourne zones, as identified in Figure 2). The second MT survey (MT08 completed in 2008) runs roughly in parallel with this line between Boort and Echuca. Off-set by ~50 km to the north a comparison of the resulting cross-sections allows identification of any structural trends common between the MT surveys and consequently extrapolation of the buried geology.

Download The downloadable version of this report is supplied in PDF format.

Bibliographic reference Dennis, Z., Cull,J., Lee, S.K., Lee, T.J., Park, I-W, Song, Y., & Uchidna, T., 2009. A magnetotelluric survey to the north of the 2006 central Victorian seismic transect: final report. GeoScience Victoria Gold Undercover Report 18. Department of Primary Industries.

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