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GSV Report 58 - Effects of channel dredging in Tyabb area on Westernport Basin groundwater

GSV Report 58 - Effects of channel dredging in Tyabb area on Westernport Basin groundwater
Category: Geological Survey Reports Product Code: MP-R-37669

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Product description:

Abstract The impact of dredging a shipping channel in the North Arm of Western Port upon the rate of saline intrusion or groundwater discharge in Western Port Basin is investigated. It is concluded that dredging of a channel as presently proposed to a depth of 15 m below mean low water mark would not significantly disrupt the existing hydrogeological balance. If channel depths greater than 15 m are required they should be confined to the southern limbs of the proposal and not exceed 20 m. Further consideration would be required if the proposal is extended to the north or northeast. The volume of saline water entering the aquifer under the prevailing hydraulic gradients is estimated as 250 000 m3/year.

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Bibliographic reference Lakey, R. & Tickell, S.J., 1980. Effects of channel dredging in Tyabb area on Westernport Basin groundwater. Geological Survey of Victoria Report 58. Department of Minerals & Energy, Victoria.

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