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GSV Report 73 - Explanatory notes on the Tallangatta 1:250 000 geological map

GSV Report 73 - Explanatory notes on the Tallangatta 1:250 000 geological map
Category: Geological Survey Reports Product Code: MP-R-12049

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Product description:

Introduction and geological setting The Tallangatta 1:250 000 geological map covers a large area of the eastern highlands in northeast Victoria and part of southern New South Wales.

The area consists largely of Ordovician sandstone and mudstone. The sediments were deposited in the Wagga Trough of the Lachlan Mobile Zone, and have undergone several periods of deformation and granite intrusion and a phase of high grade regional metamorphism to form the Omeo Metamorphic Complex. Thick Silurian and/or early Devonian acid volcanic and shallow marine sequences occupy large grabens in a number of areas and unconformably overlie the metamorphosed Ordovician bedrock.

Triassic syenite intrusions representing Victoria's youngest acid intrusive rocks are exposed in the southern part of the area near Benambra. In highland areas, Tertiary rocks are limited to gravel, sand and clay underlying Oligocene and late Pliocene basalt. Deposits of Tertiary to Quaternary sediments along the valleys of major streams in the northern part of the area represent the southeastern limits of the Murray Basin sequence.

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Bibliographic reference Bolger, P.F., 1984. Explanatory notes on the Tallangatta 1:250 000 geological map. Geological Survey of Victoria Report 73. Department of Minerals & Energy, Victoria.

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