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Discovery - August 1998

   Discovery - August 1998
Category: Discovery Magazine Product Code: MP-P-42071

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Regular features

Key role for new industry board
Pat McNamara reveals plans for a new consultive body

Industry news
What's new in the Victorian industry

Resources map
A visual review of Victoria's mineral, oil and gas resources

Licence review
The latest on exploration licences

MPV refocuses on main goal
David Lea details VIMP strategy for the next three years


Minerva gas project
Offshore gas could launch a new industry

Ballarat gold spreads its wings
Major moves are underway on the historic Ballarat gold fields

Rubbish gas cuts greenhouse emissions
Old rubbish tips help produce electricity and cut greenhouse gas

Ruby gets a final polish
A new look for an old quarry

More good news for explorers
New drilling at Mt Wellington produces good results

New Bendigo heads down
Work starts to mine deep orebodies beneath the city of Bendigo

VIMP will dig deeper into the state's resources
New search programs are planned for the VIMP program

It's boom time in the basin
The Murray Basin is emerging as a world-class mineral sands region

Industry legend retires
John Reynolds calls it a day at the VCM

New Grampians mapping unlocks old secrets
Recent survey work by GSV may lead to new exploration targets

New data releases
MPV releases four new data sets for explorers