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VicGCS Report 7 - Data processing of the GDPI10 2D seismic survey, Southern Flank, Gippsland Basin

VicGCS Report 7 - Data processing of the GDPI10 2D seismic survey, Southern Flank, Gippsland Basin
Category: Victorian Geological Carbon Storage Reports Product Code: MP-R-39345

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Product description:

Executive Summary In 2010, over 8000 line kilometres of 2D seismic was acquired over the Southern Flank of the Gippsland Basin to provide industry quality data for the purpose of the assessment of the geological carbon storage potential of the area. The seismic program was jointly funded by the federal Department of Resources Energy and Tourism (RET), through the National Low Emissions Coal Initiative, and the Victorian government.

In 2011, Fugro Imaging Pty Ltd (Fugro) was selected to process the 87 line seismic survey. This report details the processing sequence followed by Fugro and the parameters applied during each processing stage to produce PSTM stacks and gathers.

Download The downloadable version of this report is supplied in PDF format.

Bibliographic Reference GONSALVES, G., 2013. Data processing of the GDPI10 2D seismic survey, Southern Flank, Gippsland Basin. VicGCS Report 7, Department of Primary Industries.

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