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RVD307 – Austpac Resources NL – EL4521

RVD307 – Austpac Resources NL – EL4521
Category: Rediscover Victoria Drilling Reports Product Code: MP-RVD-307

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Product description:

Austpac has, since 2001, been studying the mineral potential of Cambrian formations of the Delamerian Fold Belt, which comprise tholeiite-boninite rocks, calk-alkaline volcanics and sediments. These units are covered by younger Murray Basin sediments in the southwestern portion of Exploration Licence 4521. Detailed aeromagnetic data provides information on the geology and structure of the basement underlying this veneer of sediments.

An aircore drilling program was completed during 20-25 November 2010 with financial assistance through Round 3 of the Rediscover Victoria Drilling Grant program. This drilling completed the investigation of a multi-target concept at the McKenzie River prospect. The 2010 program entailed 16 vertical air core holes totalling 1,031.5 metres along an East to West fence making use of the road reserve of Hammonds Woolshed Road. All of the holes were successful in intersecting the weathered Cambrian basement formations. A total of 69 samples were submitted for geochemical analysis and 2 samples were sent away for petrology.

While geochemical assays from the basement sections of the holes are modest, it is encouraging to read the interpretation that the 2 samples studied under the microscope represent strongly altered mafic to ultramafic igneous rocks, and that the samples represent part of the Cambrian age Mount Stavely Volcanics. The new data will be reviewed with staff of Geoscience Victoria.

The downloadable version of the final report is supplied in PDF format:
RVD307 G37938 EL4521 Final Reports (PDF 5.4MB)

The data package is available for download in a compressed ZIP folder:
RVD307 G37938 EL4521 Data Package (ZIP 5.4MB)

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