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RVD205 – Highlake Resources Pty Ltd – EL4743

RVD205 – Highlake Resources Pty Ltd – EL4743
Category: Rediscover Victoria Drilling Reports Product Code: MP-RVD-205

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Product description:

Exploration License EL 4743 (Boorhaman Project) is located in northern Victoria. The tenement covers ~229.5km2 and is centred around the Boorhaman town site. The tenement lies near the northern central edge of the Wangaratta 1:250,000 map sheet and is accessible from Melbourne by travelling northeast along the Hume Freeway to Wangaratta and then north along the Boorhaman Road.

Highlake Resources Pty Ltd (Highlake) is exploring EL 4743 for porphyry-style copper-gold mineralisation. The Project is focused on a series of coincident magnetic and gravity anomalies located in the basement rocks of the Ovens Graben under approximately 250 metres of cover
In 2007 Highlake completed reconnaissance diamond drilling into the basement to identify the rock units responsible for the series of magnetic and gravity features. This work revealed the presence of a complex of volcanic and intrusive rocks that included monzodiorite intrusions and felsic volcanics of high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic composition exhibiting propylitic and haematite alteration, with associated anomalous lead and zinc geochemistry. The alteration and associated mineralisation are considered typical of the peripheral zones of porphyry copper-gold systems.

In order to focus exploration towards the core of the interpreted mineralized system a 2D and 3D MIM Distributed Acquisition System (MIMDAS) Induced Polarisation (IP) and Magnetotellurics (MT) geophysical survey was completed during 2008 to identify conductive and chargeable anomalies that may be associated with a porphyry mineralized system. Results from this survey identified three coincident conductive and chargeable anomalies.

Highlake was successful in gaining funding from the Victorian Government during Round 2 of the Rediscover Victoria Drilling grant program to test one of these conductive and chargeable anomalies with a single deep diamond drill hole.

Drilling of the diamond hole to test this target commenced on 5/03/2009 and was completed on 30/03/2009 at a down-hole depth of 870.2 meters.

The downloadable version of the final report is supplied in PDF format:
RVD205 G37480 EL4743 Final Report (PDF 12.5MB)

The accompanying drill core photos are available for download in a compressed ZIP folder:
RVD205 G37480 EL4743 Core Photos (ZIP 527MB)

The data package is available for download in a compressed ZIP folder:
RVD205 G37480 EL4743 Data Package (ZIP 463KB)

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