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VIMP Report 34 - An appraisal of airborne geophysical data from the Murrindal survey, Victoria

VIMP Report 34 - An appraisal of airborne geophysical data from the Murrindal survey, Victoria
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-26512

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Abstract This report provides a first look appraisal of new, detailed, airborne magnetic and radiometric data obtained over the Murrindal 1:100 000 mapsheet area. A brief discussion of the geological features highlighted by the new data is presented.

The geophysical data generally agrees well with the recently mapped geology. The magnetic data highlights moderately magnetic dykes, and subsurface extensions of magnetic granite bodies. Regional faults are clearly delineated in the magnetic data. Some mapped faults can be extended, and new faults are recognised.

The radiometric data defines the outcrop extent of different lithologies, and highlights compositional variations within the Silurian granite bodies. In particular, a new phase of the Nunniong Pluton has been recognised, based on its distinctive response. The Buchan Group sediments also have a distinctive radiometric response which can be used to map their extent.

The lava flows of the Older Volcanics have a strong, reversely magnetised signature, and a distinctive radiometric response.

The recognition of large subsurface extensions of the I-type, magnetic granites within the survey area may provide new areas for porphyry copper exploration. Dyke swarms within the Nunniong Pluton may indicate extensions of mineralisation in this area.

Bibliographic reference Twyford, R.J., 1996. An appraisal of airborne geophysical data from the Murrindal survey, Victoria. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 34. Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

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