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RVD227 – Fosterville Gold Mine Pty Ltd – EL3539

RVD227 – Fosterville Gold Mine Pty Ltd – EL3539
Category: Rediscover Victoria Drilling Reports Product Code: MP-RVD-227

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Product description:

A total of 1,694.9 metres of diamond drilling was completed between 14th September and 30th November 2009 at the Myrtle Creek Prospect located about 28 km SE of Bendigo. The ten-hole drill program was designed to test a number of proposed mineralisation settings including intrusion-related, fold-fault related, dyke-related and disseminated styles.

Two encouraging intersections of gold mineralisation are reported and interpreted to be from the NE trending New Amelia Mine Shear; Down hole widths of 10.9m @ 2.0g/t Au from 0.9m (incl. 6.0m @ 3.1g/t Au from 4.0m) in MCD004 and 8.0m @ 1.9g/t Au from 84.0m (incl. 2.0m @ 5.2g/t Au from 88.0m) in MCD006.

Anomalous gold (7.61g/t peak) and molybdenum (2,882ppm) was encountered throughout much of the prospect, particularly in proximity to the granite. Visible gold was observed twice within sheeted quartz veins and there appears to be a strong intrusion-related Au-Mo-As correlation. A significant nugget-effect may be present given the presence of coarse gold and frequent highly anomalous As/Mo results without corresponding elevated Au.

The concentration of Mo decreases dramatically north and south away from the granite. Cu is highly anomalous (2,342ppm peak) within sporadic narrow intervals in sediments from drill core distal to the granite. Drilling intersected significant levels of As (8,288ppm peak), anomalous concentrations of Ba (416ppm peak), Bi (308ppm) and Sb (933ppm), but with Pb, Rb, Re, W, and Zn notably absent.

The alteration mineralogy is dominated by sericite with evidence of an earlier phase of biotite alteration preserved in drill core distal to the granite. The granite is pervasively sericite-altered with localised greisen-style alteration associated with quartz veining. Rarer chlorite alteration is also observed within the sediments.

Quartz stockwork within sandstone was observed in the southern two drill holes beneath a broad zone of anomalous surface Au-As geochemistry. The overall tenor of mineralisation within the drill core is, however, low. The historically-worked west-dipping Amelia Fault in the northern portion of the project area was intersected by drilling, but again, the tenor of mineralisation is weak.

The felsic dyke target was not intersected. Mineralisation north of the granite may be localised at the junction of NNW and NE trending fault sets and therefore high-grade shoots may have been missed by drilling.

Further scientific study across the project area in the form of an Honours project is recommended, along with the application of gravity and IP geophysical techniques to improve the understanding of prospect geology and controls on mineralisation. Follow-up drilling on the New Amelia Mine Shear is also recommended.

The downloadable version of the final report is supplied in PDF format:
RVD227 G37542 EL3539 Final Report (PDF 3.3MB)

The accompanying plans are available for download in a compressed ZIP folder:
RVD227 G37542 EL3539 Plans (ZIP 15.0MB)

The data package is available for download in a compressed ZIP folder:
RVD227 G37542 EL3539 Data Package (ZIP 343KB)

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