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RVD316 – Donald Mineral Sands Pty Ltd – EL4432

RVD316 – Donald Mineral Sands Pty Ltd – EL4432
Category: Rediscover Victoria Drilling Reports Product Code: MP-RVD-316

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Product description:

Interpretation of aeromagnetic imagery, coupled with results from (cyanide leach) soil geochemistry led to the recommendation of testing the basement rocks south and north of the town of Rupanyup in Western Victoria for evidence of gold and associated base metal mineralisation in Cambrian shales and sandstones.

An application to the DPI for assistance under the Rediscover Victoria Drilling Initiative (Round 3) was granted in early 2010, however rain later that year and in early 2011 delayed the program.

The AirCore program was completed as designed in March 2011 with 40 holes drilled for 2621 metres along three roadside traverses. The average depth to basement is 39 metres, and the maximum drilled depth was 105 metres.

Overall, geochemistry results showed weakly elevated gold moderately elevated arsenic values occurring close to the basement-cover contact. The maximum gold value obtained was 66 ppb over 3 metres, which is more than 20 times background for gold in basement rocks in the three traverses.

The basement lithologies show only weak to moderate weathering, implying gold and arsenic concentration by supergene processes would not occur in this area. Thus any gold halo surrounding gold mineralisation in basement can be expected to be narrow, and difficult to locate on wide drill spacing used in this program. A closer drill spacing of 80 metres or perhaps 40 may be more appropriate.

The basement arsenic geochemistry supports the surface gold geochemistry data, so this method may be useful in future exploration programs for gold mineralisation in western Victoria.

The downloadable version of the final report is supplied in PDF format:
RVD316 G106620 EL4432 Final Report (PDF 2.5MB)

The accompanying appendices are available for download in a compressed ZIP folder:
RVD316 G106620 EL4432 Appendices (ZIP 30.3MB)

The accompanying plans are available for download in a compressed ZIP folder:
RVD316 G106620 EL4432 Plans (ZIP 4.8MB)

The data package is available for download in a compressed ZIP folder:
RVD316 G106620 EL4432 Data Package (ZIP 2.5MB)

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