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RVD304 – Granite Power Limited – GEP11

RVD304 – Granite Power Limited – GEP11
Category: Rediscover Victoria Drilling Reports Product Code: MP-RVD-304

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Product description:

Granite Power is the holder of GEP 11, which includes, and extends east, from the eastern suburbs of Melbourne (Figure 1). Granite Power is undertaking a tenement‐wide assessment of the prospectivity of geothermal energy in GEP 11.

Funding under Round 3 of the Rediscover Victoria Drilling (RVD) program was granted to drill one heat flow hole, “Tynong‐1”, to a total depth (TD) of 400 m, within GEP 11. This report details the drilling activities and associated geothermal studies undertaken.

Tynong‐1 was spudded on 24 January 2011 and reached TD on 4 March 2011. The hole was cased in steel and is currently suspended to allow for extended temperature logging.

Tynong‐1 was drilled and completed in Tynong Granite. Temperature logging and thermal conductivity measurements of granite core have been used to estimate a surface heat flow of 88 mW/m2.

This new geothermal data will subsequently be used to improve 2D and 3D thermal modelling of the tenement with the anticipated homogeneity of the thermal properties of this granite to great depth, helping constrain the modelling of the thermal structure at depth. This is particularly important where, as in GEP 11, thermal properties of rocks at depth are uncertain.

The downloadable version of the final report is supplied in PDF format:
RVD304 G106623 GEP11 Final Report (PDF 5.3MB)

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