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VIMP Report 27 - Mineral exploration history of the Omeo 1:100 000 map area

VIMP Report 27 - Mineral exploration history of the Omeo 1:100 000 map area
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-27243

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Abstract This report provides a summary of mineral exploration undertaken within the Omeo 1:100 000 map area, in eastern Victoria, since the exploration licence (EL) reporting system was introduced in 1965. The summary includes details of exploration targets, programs, results and expenditure, obtained from expired exploration licences in the Omeo 1:100 000 map area. Each summary includes a synopsis of the licensee's interpretation of the geology of the EL, the mapping work conducted, geochemical survey techniques used and their results, geophysical survey techniques used and their results, and a detailed summary of any anomalous results obtained through drilling programs.

Tables and maps within the appendices provide a further synthesis of the exploration history of the Omeo 1:100 000 map area. Tables provide details of geochemical work conducted in the ELs, and listings of licences both by number and by company, detailing work conducted and exploration targets. Maps provide locations of the EL boundaries.

Historically, exploration within the Omeo 1:100 000 map area has largely been directed towards gold, within and adjacent to the historical alluvial and hard rock goldfields. Considerable interest has also been focused on base metals, and has lead to the discovery of the Wilga Cu/Zn/Ag deposit, which is currently being mined. Base metals have also been targeted over the remainder of the map area, and tungsten and molybdenum have aroused interest around the Fainting Range in particular.This report provides a summary of mineral exploration undertaken within the Omeo 1:100 000 map area, in eastern Victoria, since the exploration licence (EL) reporting system was introduced in 1965. The summary includes details of exploration targets, programs, results and expenditure, obtained from expired exploration licences in the Omeo 1:100 000 map area. Each summary includes a synopsis of the licensee's interpretation of the geology of the EL, the mapping work conducted, geochemical survey techniques used and their results, geophysical survey techniques used and their results, and a detailed summary of any anomalous results obtained through drilling programs.

Tables and maps within the appendices provide a further synthesis of the exploration history of the Omeo 1:100 000 map area. Tables provide details of geochemical work conducted in the ELs, and listings of licences both by number and by company, detailing work conducted and exploration targets. Maps provide locations of the EL boundaries.

Historically, exploration within the Omeo 1:100 000 map area has largely been directed towards gold, within and adjacent to the historical alluvial and hard rock goldfields. Considerable interest has also been focused on base metals, and has lead to the discovery of the Wilga Cu/Zn/Ag deposit, which is currently being mined. Base metals have also been targeted over the remainder of the map area, and tungsten and molybdenum have aroused interest around the Fainting Range in particular.

Bibliographic reference Boyle R. J., 1996. Mineral exploration history of the Omeo 1:100 000 map area. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 27. Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

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