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VIMP Report 11 - Mineral exploration history of the Tallangatta 1:250 000 sheet

VIMP Report 11 - Mineral exploration history of the Tallangatta 1:250 000 sheet
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-23579

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Abstract This report provides a summary of mineral exploration undertaken within the Tallangatta 1:250 000 mapsheet area since the exploration licence (EL) reporting system was introduced in 1965. The summary includes details of exploration targets, programmes, results and expenditure, obtained from expired exploration licences in the Tallangatta 1:250 000 mapsheet area. Tables and maps within the appendices provide a further synthesis of the exploration history of the Tallangatta 1:250 000 mapsheet area, with programmes listed both numerically, by Exploration Licence number, and alphabetically, by name of the exploration company.

Historically, exploration within the Tallangatta 1:250 000 mapsheet area has largely focussed on the search for gold, with considerable interest also in base metal (copper/lead/zinc) mineralisation. The discovery of the Wilga Cu-Pb-Zn deposit at Benambra has maintained interest in base metal mineralisation in this part of the Lachlan Fold Belt, although modern exploration still predominantly targets gold mineralisation. Modern exploration has also targeted tin, tungsten, molybdenum mineralisation, with minor interest in locating the primary host for diamonds.

Bibliographic reference Caluzzi, .J., 1995. Mineral exploration history of the Tallangatta 1:250 000 sheet. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 11. Department of Agriculture, Energy and Minerals.

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