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VIMP Report 38 - Geological interpretation of geophysical data of the Ararat 1:100 000 map sheet

VIMP Report 38 - Geological interpretation of geophysical data of the Ararat 1:100 000 map sheet
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-27248

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Abstract Detailed airborne magnetic and radiometric and ground gravity data over the Ararat 1:100 000 mapsheet have been interpreted. The detailed geophysical airborne survey was flown for the Geological Survey of Victoria (GSV) and the Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO) in 1990.

A geological interpretation of the geophysical data available over the Ararat 1:100 000 mapsheet has identified a number of geological units and structures.

Several complex greenstone belts trending northwest with a high magnetic signature have been interpreted. Within these broad belts (up to 6 km in width) many individual units and internal faulting can be identified.

The northwest of the Ararat 1:100 000 mapsheet is dominantly Early Palaeozoic non-magnetic meta-sediments with some northwest trending slightly magnetic units. Faulting parallel to and across strike and minor shear zones are evident.

Refinements in the distribution of outcropping granites/granodiorites in the Ararat 1:100 000 mapsheet such as Stawell, Ararat, Burrumbeep and Mafeking have been interpreted. Many other sub-cropping granites have also been interpreted. The geophysical signatures of these intrusives vary from highly magnetic, high radiometric and low Bouguer gravity to non-magnetic, low radiometric and low Bouguer gravity.

Post Palaeozoic sediments such as the Tertiary White Hills Gravel have a distinctively low radiometric signature. Laterised sands with a high thorium signature have also been interpreted on the Ararat 1:100 000 mapsheet .

The southern third of the Ararat 1:100 000 mapsheet is dominated by complex high amplitude and highly variable TMI anomalies associated with the Newer Volcanics. Both normally and reversely polarized flows have been identified.

Bibliographic reference McDonald, P.A. and Whitehead, M.L., 1996. Geological interpretation of geophysical data over the Ararat 1:100 000 mapsheet. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 38. Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

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