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GSV UR2011/1 - Some mines in the Castlemaine-Maldon area, Volume 2

GSV UR2011/1 - Some mines in the Castlemaine-Maldon area, Volume 2
Category: Unpublished Reports Product Code: MP-R-38234

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Product description:

Abstract Ten historic mines in the Castlemaine-Maldon area were located and described. This was carried out in order to confirm the locations as recorded in the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Earth Resources Development Division (ERDD) VicMine database, to make observations as to the scale of workings and to note any matters relevant to the social history of the mines.

Three new mine localities were discovered and described.

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Bibliographic Reference Quinn, P., 2011. Some mines in the Castlemaine - Maldon area, Volume 2. Geological Survey of Victoria Unpublished Report UR2011/1. Department of Primary Industries.