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VIMP Report 1 - The geology and prospectivity of the 1994 airborne Orbost survey area

VIMP Report 1 - The geology and prospectivity of the 1994 airborne Orbost survey area
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-21045

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Abstract This report represents part of a data package prepared to coincide with a call for tenders for exploration licences in the Orbost area of eastern Victoria. The closing date for tenders is 29 August 1994. The location of the tender areas is shown in Figure 1.

This, and subsequent data packages are intended to provide summary information to explorers submitting tenders for areas released as a result of flying magnetic/radiometric geophysical surveys over the North West and Eastern Highlands Initiative Areas.

This report presents a brief overview of the geology, mineralisation, exploration history and geophysics of the 1994 airborne Orbost survey area, and should be read in conjunction with the other elements of the data package. Activity in expired exploration licences is summarised in Table 3, while the locations of expired exploration licences are given in Appendix 1. Details of mineral occurrences are summarised in Table 2 and their positions shown in Figure 3.

The economic potential and prospectivity of the area is briefly described. A reference list directs the reader to more detailed descriptions of the geology and mineralisation of the area.

Bibliographic reference Buckley, R., Bush, M., O'Shea, P.J., Whitehead, M. & VandenBerg, A.H.M., 1994. The geology and prospecticity of the 1994 airborne Orbost survey area. Geological Survey of Victoria VIMP Report 1. Department of Energy and Minerals.

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