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VIMP Report 48 - Geological interpretation of geophysical features over the Cann, Mallacoota and Victorian part of Eden 1:100 000 sheets

VIMP Report 48 - Geological interpretation of geophysical features over the Cann, Mallacoota and Victorian part of Eden 1:100 000 sheets
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-29325

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Abstract Geophysical data over the Cann, Mallacoota and Victorian part of the Eden 1:100 000 map areas are part of the Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum (VIMP) Mallacoota airborne magnetic and radiometric survey.

The most extensive rock types are Ordovician and Upper Devonian sediments, Upper Devonian and Upper Silurian granites, Tertiary and Quaternary sediments.

The Ordovician sediments are non to very weakly magnetic. Weakly magnetic north-south trends have been interpreted to be units interbedded with predominantly non-magnetic sediments or alternatively might be dykes. Differences in radiometric response may indicate lateral variation in lithology, weathering and possible waterlogging.

Upper Devonian sediments are non-magnetic and have a variable radiometric response.

The granites are part of the Bega Batholith and range from highly magnetic to non-magnetic. The interpretation indicates zoning within the granites, suggesting multiple phases of intrusion.

The area covers part of the Mallacoota structural zone. The interpretation suggests two structural regions in the area. In the west, regional structures trend north-south, whilst fault/joints within the granites trend in northeast direction. In the east major structures and the intrusions strike to the NNE.

The magnetic data reveals a wide occurrence of linear magnetic anomalies which have been interpreted to be dykes. They trend predominantly in northwest and north-south directions in the Cann 1:100 000 map area and northeast, north-northwest directions in the Mallacoota and Eden 1:100 000 map areas, indicating two possible structural subzones.

The area has potential for base metal and gold mineralisation. Detailed structural interpretation of the intrusions and adjacent Ordovician sediments provide new exploration targets.

Bibliographic reference Oranskaia, A.N., 1997. Geological interpretation of geophysical features over the Cann, Mallacoota and Victorian part of the Eden 1:100 000 sheets. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 48. Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

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