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VIMP Report 51 - The geology and prospectivity of the Castlemaine, Woodend, Yea and part of Bacchus Marsh 1:100 000 map sheets

VIMP Report 51 - The geology and prospectivity of the Castlemaine, Woodend, Yea and part of Bacchus Marsh 1:100 000 map sheets
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-34390

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Abstract This report summarises the geology and prospectivity of the Castlemaine, Woodend, Yea and northern part of Bacchus Marsh 1:100 000 map areas in south central Victoria.

New airborne geophysics conducted over the Castlemaine, Woodend, Yea and northern part of Bacchus Marsh 1:100 000 map areas as part of the Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum (VIMP) has enabled a reappraisal of the regional geology and geophysics of the area. This has been complemented by a mineral resource compilation together with an appraisal of the prospectivity of the area.

Gold mineralisation, both primary and secondary, represents the main exploration target in the area, and a number of styles of gold mineralisation are discussed.

Bibliographic reference Edwards, J.E., Willman, C.E., McHaffie, I.W., Olshina, A. & Willocks, A.J., 1997. The geology and prospectivity of the Castlemaine, Woodend, Yea and part of Bacchus Marsh 1:100 000 map sheets. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 51. Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

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