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VIMP Report 44 - An appraisal of airborne geophysical data from the Castlemaine - Woodend survey, Victoria

VIMP Report 44 - An appraisal of airborne geophysical data from the Castlemaine - Woodend survey, Victoria
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-27251

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Abstract This report provides an appraisal of new, detailed, airborne magnetic and radiometric data obtained over the Castlemaine, Woodend and northern half of the Bacchus Marsh 1:100 000 map areas in central Victoria. A brief discussion of the regional geological features highlighted by the new data is presented.

The most extensive rock types are Ordovician and Silurian sediments, Devonian granites and Tertiary and Quaternary Volcanics. The sediments range from non to very weakly magnetic.

The high amplitude responses from the basalts and a broad magnetic high in the south dominate the magnetic image.

Major structures, trending north-south, such as the Muckleford Fault, Mt William Fault and a southerly extension of the Whitelaw Fault are seen in the geophysical data.

The radiometric data defines the outcrop extent of different rock units, and highlights possible compositional variation within the Ordovician and Silurian sediments, the Cobaw Granite, and the Quaternary basalts. In particular, it may be possible to distinguish lithology in the Ordovician sediments using the radiometric data. Compositional variation within the granites and volcanics is clearly visible.

Rock units and structure within the Heathcote Greenstone belt can be distinguished. Individual flows of the Newer Volcanics can be identified by their different magnetic character or radiometric response.

Bibliographic reference Willocks, A.J., 1997. An appraisal of airborne geophysical data from the Castlemaine-Woodend survey, Victoria. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 44. Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

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