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Open File Mineral Tenement Data (1965 - June 2008)

Open File Mineral Tenement Data (1965 - June 2008)
Category: Open File Mineral Tenement Data Packages Product Code: MP-D-171425

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Product description:

Open File Mineral Tenement Data (1965 - June 2008)

The complete data package contains over 5700 reports from 1641 exploration licences (EL 1 - 5111). The earliest exploration licence was granted in July 1965 and the most recent became open file in June 2008. The earlier reports have been scanned from microfiche (or hardcopy if the microfiche were unclear) and are provided in multipage TIFF (.tif) format. Post 2001 reports submitted by companies are generally in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format with tabular data provided as .txt files with metadata headers. The microfiche are still available at Information @ DPI and the hard copy reports are stored at the Knowledge Resource Centre at Werribee.

The data are organised by licence number - EL 1 to 999, EL 1004 to 1998, EL 2002 to 2694, EL 3000 to 3995, EL 4000 and EL 5000, as well as DL, MIN, ML, PAL, SL and TRL. The data package contains a Read Me file that gives an overview of what is provided and what software is needed. A Find Me file is also provided with the EL data to help locate the reports as some tenements have a complex history of changed numbers, cancellations and amalgamations, or have been joint reported with other licences.

The complete data package is quite large and for downloading convenience has been divided into 10 individual ZIP files.
Tenements EL001-EL165 (ZIP 5.92GB)
Tenements EL166-EL554 (ZIP 6.65GB)
Tenements EL555-EL1231 (ZIP 6.15GB)
Tenements EL1233-EL3224 (ZIP 6.72GB)
Tenements EL3225-EL3457 (ZIP 4.41GB)
Tenements EL3458-EL3746 (ZIP 5.48GB)
Tenements EL3747-EL4602 (ZIP 4.06GB)
Tenements EL4604-EL5111 (ZIP 3.10GB)
Tenements DLS PALS SLS TRL (ZIP 4.13GB)
Tenements MINS MLS MALS (ZIP 2.06GB)

Please be patient when downloading large files as this might take some time depending on your internet connection.

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