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GSV TR2015/1 - Gippsland Basin Gravity Survey

GSV TR2015/1 - Gippsland Basin Gravity Survey
Category: Technical Records Product Code: MP-R-88311

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Product description:

Executive Summary:
The geometry of the Cretaceous Strzelecki Group in the Gippsland region and the underlying Palaeozoic basement of the Melbourne Zone are unresolved. The current coverage of land based gravity data in the onshore Gippsland Basin is approximately 1500m. This resolution is not detailed enough to sufficiently characterise the geometry of the Strzelecki Group.

This project involved the acquisition of more closely spaced gravity data (500m), placed along a series of profile lines. Specifically, DEDJTR has acquired 12 regional gravity transects – 3 in a northeast orientation, and 9 in a northwest orientation – strategically located to maximise our understanding of this region’s geological structures. The transects (Figure 1) cover areas located on the Healesville, Western Port, Warragul, Moe, Traralgon, Woolamai, Wonthaggi, Foster and Yarram 1:100 000 map sheets; an area of 8,358 km2.

When combined with petrophysical data such density measurements made both from surface outcrops and also from drill core, the newly acquired gravity will be used to construct both two, and three dimensional models.
Calibration with a planned 2D seismic survey across the region will further increase confidence in gravity modelling outputs. These models provide a framework which can be used to make depth to basement estimates, but most importantly, to perform hydrodynamic flow scenarios to assess the behaviour of the groundwater system in response to possible onshore natural gas development within the Gippsland Basin.

Bibliographic Reference:
Mathews, L.R. & McLean, M.A., 2015. Gippsland Basin gravity survey. Geological Survey of Victoria Technical Record 2015/1 Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.

The downloadable version of this report is supplied in PDF format (4.0 MB) and Data package (ZIP 2.2 MB).