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GSV TR2023/2 - Greater Melbourne and Eastern Victoria Airborne Gravity Survey - Stage 1 Preliminary Grids.

GSV TR2023/2 - Greater Melbourne and Eastern Victoria Airborne Gravity Survey - Stage 1 Preliminary Grids.
Category: Technical Records Product Code: MP-R-171723

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Product description:

Executive Summary:
The Geological Survey of Victoria (part of the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action), Surveyor-General Victoria (part of the Department of Transport and Planning) and Geoscience Australia (GA) have been working with Sander Geophysics Ltd to collect airborne gravity data across Greater Melbourne and eastern Victoria including metropolitan, coastal, alpine and offshore areas. The objective of the project is to collect consistent and evenly distributed gravity measurements to improve height determination from GPS positioning and to advance the understanding of Victoria’s geological architecture and earth resource potential.

Preliminary grids of the project’s first acquisition stage are attached. The grids comprise areas flown with a single-engine aircraft at 1 km line spacing over the Otway, Hume and Gippsland regions of Victoria. The preliminary free air gravity, Bouguer gravity and first vertical derivative of Bouguer gravity grids have been prepared using a 6-km full wavelength filter.

These preliminary data are considered to be high quality and robust. Additional processing will be applied as part of the final product preparations and may result in minor changes compared with the data provided here. Final products for the survey will include located data, grids and a detailed operations and processing report.

Bibliographic Reference:
Haydon, S.J. & Bates, M., 2023. Greater Melbourne and Eastern Victoria Airborne Gravity Survey - Stage 1 Preliminary Grids. Geological Survey of Victoria Technical Record 2023/2. Geological Survey of Victoria, 17 pp.

The downloadable version of this report is supplied as (PDF 4 MB), Attachments A1 & A2 (ZIP 22 MB) and Attachment readme (TXT 2 KB).