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GSV TR2023/3 - Central-Western Victoria Regional Fault Data Package, Version 1.0.

GSV TR2023/3 - Central-Western Victoria Regional Fault Data Package, Version 1.0.
Category: Technical Records Product Code: MP-R-171947

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Product description:

Executive Summary:
This data package contains a review, compilation, and update of the regional (1:250 000 to 1:1 000 000) Paleozoic basement and Mesozoic basin fault interpretation for central and western Victoria (from the South Australian border to the Mount William Fault – the interface between the Bendigo and Melbourne structural zones). Additional new fault interpretations substantially expand upon the existing regional fault datasets. The interpretation update has been carried out with the aim of refining and integrating fault interpretations from contemporary and historical project work, using new and/ or enhanced geophysical data, particularly in regions where younger cover sequences (e.g., Murray Basin) obscure Paleozoic basement geology. Where possible, previously unavailable metadata has been captured and assigned to the interpreted fault data, providing additional structural, geometry and timing context to the fault network dataset.

This new dataset has important implications for the understanding of earth resources prospectivity within a systematic geodynamic and tectonic context in central and western Victoria. Significant re-interpretations of the positions of portions of major, crustal-scale structures (e.g., Moyston Fault), constrained by new seismic reflection data, may delineate prospective regions not previously recognised, particularly in bedrock buried under younger cover.
• For example, this new dataset includes a reinterpretation of faults that bound and segment the Moornambool Metamorphic Complex in the northern Stawell Zone under Murray Basin cover. The new dataset indicates the Moornambool Metamorphic Complex is significantly wider here than previously understood. Further south the Moornambool Metamorphic Complex is host to the ~5 MOz Stawell Gold Mine, the 1 MOz+ Ararat goldfield, and the Moyston and related goldfields. The regional geology suggests that high gold-prospectivity persists north under Murray Basin cover, and into a significantly larger search-space;
• For example, northerly extensions of Stavely Arc structures interpreted as part of the Stavely Project 3D model inform and constrain potential copper prospectivity in northwestern Victoria and have been reinterpreted and refined in the light of new deep seismic reflection data;
• For example, Bendigo Zone structures have been extended north to the Murray River and potentially beyond, based on reinterpretation of the Governor Fault as losing displacement west of Echuca. This extends Victoria’s proven richest orogenic gold terrane and the structures within it that are known to control orogenic gold further north than previously interpreted;
• For example, new and refined interpretations of Silurian-Devonian extensional structures provide insight into intrusion emplacement and implications for potential associated mineralisation, including critical minerals prospectivity. The updated dataset package is available for download and visualisation as standard GIS data formats, and is provided in an attachment with this report.

Bibliographic Reference:
Skladzien, P.B. & Cayley, R.A., 2023. Central-Western Victoria Regional Fault Data Package, Version 1.0. Geological Survey of Victoria Technical Record 2023/3. Geological Survey of Victoria, 20 pp.

The downloadable version of this report is supplied as (PDF 6 MB), Attachment A1 ESRI™ GIS data (ZIP 0.5 MB) or Attachment A1 Open source GIS data .shp (ZIP 0.3 MB).