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GSV TR2009/2 - SHRIMP zircon dating results for various rocks from Victoria, 2009

GSV TR2009/2 - SHRIMP zircon dating results for various rocks from Victoria, 2009
Category: Technical Records Product Code: MP-R-37190

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Introduction Four rock samples from various parts of Victoria were submitted to PRISE for U/Pb zircon dating using the SHRIMP. Two are granites (Wollonaby Granite and Pretty Valley Tonalite, both from the Omeo Metamorphic Complex), one is an ignimbrite from the Snowy River Volcanic Group (Fluke Knob Ignimbrite), and one is a volcaniclastic rock from the Truro Volcanic Group in western Victoria. This record documents details of the samples dated and their localities, and discusses the geological significance of the dates obtained. Localities are given in the GDA94 grid system as eastings and northings in metres, and the 1:100 000 topographic map sheet they occur in is also given.

Samples are given VAD (Victorian Age Determination) numbers, as well as field numbers. A magmatic age was sought for igneous samples, while the sedimentary rock had detrital zircons dated. Errors on igneous ages are 2σ.

Bibliographic reference Morand, V.J. & Fanning, C.M. 2009. SHRIMP zircon dating results for various rocks from Victoria, 2009. GeoScience Victoria Technical Record 2009/2. Department of Primary Industries.