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GSV Report 63 - Mineral potential of the Snowy River Volcanics and Buchan Caves Limestone

GSV Report 63 - Mineral potential of the Snowy River Volcanics and Buchan Caves Limestone
Category: Geological Survey Reports Product Code: MP-R-04095

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Product description:

Introduction The main belt of Snowy River Volcanics in eastern Victoria forms part of the Eastern Highlands. The area is one of strong relief, being highly dissected, with intermontane basins present in areas where less resistant Buchan Group sediments outcrop. These basins have been cleared for grazing land, whereas mountainous tracts of Snowy River Volcanics terrain remain as virgin bush.

Access to the area is via the Buchan-Jindabyne road and numerous forestry tracks. The Buchan and Snowy rivers, together with their many tributaries, drain southwards through the area and join east of Buchan.

In addition to this main belt, Snowy River Volcanics and Buchan Group sediments are found in two outliers, at Bindi and Errinundra. An outlier of Snowy River Volcanics is also present at Mt Elizabeth.

Mineralization is mainly confined to the southern half of the main belt of Snowy River Volcanics, the main exceptions being silver-lead veining at Campbells Knob and Deddick to the north and at Errinundra. Recent soil sampling by the Geological Survey (1977) failed to locate any signs of base metal mineralization at Bindi.

Prospecting for minerals has been carried out in the area since the latter part of the 19th century, and most of the mines found were worked out before 1900.

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Bibliographic reference O'Shea, P.J., 1980. Mineral potential of the Snowy River Volcanics and Buchan Caves Limestone. Geological Survey of Victoria Report 63. Department of Minerals & Energy, Victoria.

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