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GSV Report 31 (1975/3) - Potassium-argon dates - determinations carried out by the Geological Survey of Victoria

GSV Report 31 (1975/3) - Potassium-argon dates - determinations carried out by the Geological Survey of Victoria
Category: Geological Survey Reports Product Code: MP-R-00413

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Introduction Since 1971, the Geological Survey Branch of the Mines Department has been submitting approximately six igneous rock samples per year for potassium-argon dating to the Australian Mineral Development Laboratories, South Australia. The age determinations received from this program have been of considerable value to the regional mapping programs and our studies in ore genesis. The Department hopes to maintain the program and eventually build up a comprehensive K/Ar dating reference...

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Bibliographic reference Bowen, K.G., 1975. Potassium-Argon dates - determinations carried out by the Geological Survey of Victoria. Geological Survey of Victoria Report 1975/3. Department of Mines, Victoria.

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