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GU Report 9 - A Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetic (VTEM) survey along the 2006 central Victorian seismic transect

GU Report 9 - A Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetic (VTEM) survey along the 2006 central Victorian seismic transect
Category: Gold Undercover Reports Product Code: MP-R-35305

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Product description:

As part of the Victorian Government’s Gold Undercover Initiative the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) contracted Geotech Airborne Pty Ltd (Geotech) to acquire Helicopter-borne Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetic System (VTEM) data along four traverses that are coincident with a deep seismic reflection profile that DPI recorded in June 2006.

A total of 381 line kilometres of VTEM data were collected in April 2008. The survey was supervised by DPI and Robert Smith of Greenfields Geophysics.

The aims of the survey were to:

  • Map and characterise the conductivity responses in different geological settings of northern Victoria
  • Determine the depth to basement
  • Map and characterise the conductivity response of possible saline ground waters
  • Determine the suitability (e.g., depth penetration) of the VTEM system for use in Victoria.

Bibliographic reference
McDonald, P.A., 2008. A Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetic (VTEM) survey along the 2006 central Victorian seismic transect. Geoscience Victoria Gold Undercover Report 9. Department of Primary Industries.

The report and data package are available for downloadable as a collection of 2 compressed ZIP folders:

GU Report 9 (ZIP 9.6MB)
Contains Gold Undercover Report 9, Acknowledgements & Disclaimer and Readme documents in PDF format.

GU Report 9 Digital Data (ZIP 462.0MB)
Contains the contains the following digital data from the VTEM survey:

  • - Conductivity depth images for all lines in ASCII and Bitmap (BMP) formats
  • - Databases in ASEG GDF, Geosoft GDB & Geosoft XYZ formats
  • GEOSAFT - Various maps in Geosoft format
  • MAPINFO MAPS.ZIP - Various maps in MapInfo format
  • - Flight path in Google Earth (KML) format
  • SYSTEM - Document detailing VTEM system specifications in Adobe PDF
  • - VTEM acquisition waveform data in Geosoft GDB & XYZ formats

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