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3D geological model of the Bendigo Zone 2011

3D geological model of the Bendigo Zone 2011
Category: 3D Geological Models Product Code: MP-3D-107507

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Product description:

Note Revised edition - May, 2011.

The Bendigo Zone model represents the first phase of Rediscover Victoria's three-dimensional modelling program. The model covers the geology of basement rocks south from the Victoria–N.S.W border to the margin of the Otway Basin. It is bounded by the Avoca Fault to the west and the Mount William Fault to the east.

The model contains volumes and watertight surfaces at a 1:250, 000 scale and includes representations of stratigraphy, fault geometries, intrusions, the topography, the Moho and the distribution of known ore deposits.

How to use the model To view the PDF of the 3D model you will need the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader (Version 9 or later). After opening the model, clicking on the image will enable menus that give you the ability to rotate the model and zoom. You can switch layers on and off via the “Model Tree” (tab on left side).

Download The downloadable version of the 3D model is supplied in PDF format and is a large file (62.6MB). Compressed DXF data files 3D model attributes are also supplied (15.9MB and 7.7MB). Industry-standard formats of all surfaces are available upon request.

Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 55
Datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA94)

Bounding box
Map Grid of Australia 1994 (MGA94) coordinates
X min 100 100 X max 315 000
Y min 5720 750 Y max 6093 000
Z min -65000 Z max 2000

Input data/model constraints The model is constrained by field mapping, cross sections (some balanced), seismic data and potential field modelling.

Output model All modelling was performed in GOCAD (2009.3) and output to Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended.

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