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RVD203 – GBM Resources Pty Ltd – EL4515

RVD203 – GBM Resources Pty Ltd – EL4515
Category: Rediscover Victoria Drilling Reports Product Code: MP-RVD-203

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Product description:

Diamond Drill Hole MD12 was partially funded by a Rediscover Victoria Drilling Initiative grant and was drilled during February and March 2010. Its main purpose was to test for further evidence of an intrusive related gold system (IGRS) driven by a previously undiscovered intrusive body beneath the Drummond North Goldfield.

No igneous rocks were encountered despite the hole reaching a depth of 1 km. Sub-economic mineralisation of three styles was intersected. The first is characterised by relatively flat-lying auriferous quartz veins containing abundant arsenopyrite. The second is represented by narrow, steeply-dipping quartz veins and wider disseminated zones (concentrated in grits?) containing gold, pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, scheelite, bismuthinite, tetrahedrite and sphalerite. In addition, narrow chlorite-calcite-pyrrhotite (propylitic) alteration zones accompanied by gold, chalcopyrite and scheelite occur sporadically down the hole. The last two styles of mineralisation are clearly granite related, perhaps to different intrusions. The best gold intersections were 3.8 m @ 1.65 g/t Au, 0.62 percent Cu and 9.4 g/t Ag and 2.9 m @1.51 g/t Au.

The downloadable version of the final report is supplied in PDF format:
RVD203 G37541 EL4515 Final Report (PDF 82KB)

The accompanying appendices are available for download in a compressed ZIP folder:
RVD203 G37541 EL4515 Appendices (ZIP 3.5MB)

The data package is available for download in a compressed ZIP folder:
RVD203 G37541 EL4515 Data Package (ZIP 373KB)

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