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RVD230 - Goldsearch Ltd - EL 4843

RVD230 - Goldsearch Ltd - EL 4843
Category: Rediscover Victoria Drilling Reports Product Code: MP-RVD-230

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Product description:

The Goldsearch Ltd Mount Wellington Project is located in the Jamieson State Forest, east Victoria. Exploration Licence 4843 covers several prospective areas of gold, silver and basemetal mineralisation. Previous work by Goldsearch at the Rhyolite Creek Prospect identified a zone of sulphide mineralisation containing potentially economic grades of gold, silver and zinc, with subordinate levels of copper and lead.

A refined model of mineralisation at Rhyolite Creek has been developed based on interpretation of geological mapping and previous exploration drilling results. The model is based on hydrothermal fluids moving through an intermediate crystalline volcanic-volcaniclastic package and precipitating metals as sulphides at the base of a sheared contact with an overlying felsic crystalline volcanic-volcaniclastic package.

Diamond drill hole RCD003 was drilled as part of Round 2 of the Rediscover Victoria Drilling Initiative. RCD003 was drilled to test two targets, the potentially mineralised shear zone at the felsic – intermediate volcanic contact and the nature of the aeromagnetic anomaly at the Rhyolite Creek Prospect.

Hole RCD003 was drilled in January 2009 to a depth of 500.3 metres. At surface the hole intersected a highly weathered diorite intrusion followed by a sequence of phyllosilicate-silica altered rhyolite lavas and felsic volcaniclastics. The base of the felsics is strongly sheared with a 10 metre wide zone of phyllosilicate-silica-pyrite alteration at 150 metres followed by a sheared and puggy zone of phyllosilicate-silica-pyrite-leucoxene and base-metal sulphides at 177 metres. Underlying the shear zone are variably altered and schistose intermediate volcaniclastics with multiple zones of strong silica-pyrite and base-metal sulphide mineralisation. The intermediate volcaniclastics have been intersected by potentially three microdiorite intrusions.

The Target Shear Zone was successfully intersected at the predicted depth and returned promising values from 177.8 metres of 2.6 metres @ 1.99 ppm Au, 12.6 ppm Ag and 0.13% Zn. This intersection has confirmed the existence of footwall mineralisation to the shear plane, and has advanced the current mineralisation model significantly.

The nature of the aeromagnetic anomaly is yet to be confirmed - however microdiorite intrusions intersected in RCD003 may be related to a deep seated magmatic body.

The downloadable version of the final report is supplied in PDF format:
RVD230 G37605 EL4843 Final Report (PDF 48.8MB)

The accompanying appendices are available for download in a compressed ZIP folder:
RVD230 G37605 EL4843 Appendices (ZIP 81KB)

The data package is available for download in a compressed ZIP folder:
RVD230 G37605 EL4843 Data Package (ZIP 42KB)

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