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L193 Southern Delamerian & L194 Ararat seismic survey data and interpretations

L193 Southern Delamerian & L194 Ararat seismic survey data and interpretations
Category: Special Publications Product Code: MP-R-107781

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Product description:

This information package is a compilation of data and interpretations relating to the seismic surveys:

L193 Southern Delamerian Seismic Survey, Vic and SA, 2009 (Lines: 09GA-SD1, 09GA-SD2)
L194 Ararat Seismic Survey, Vic, 2009 (Line: 09GA-AR1)

The surveys, conducted by ANSIR (National Research Facility for Earth Sounding), were primarily funded by AUSCOPE in association with Geoscience Australia and the Victorian and South Australia Departments of Primary Industries.

It contains:
  • Migrated and interpreted migrated sections (TIFFs)
  • Geology and potential field maps (PDFs)
  • CDP coordinates (XYs) (Excel spreadsheet)
  • Explanatory text (PDFs)

DownloadThe downloadable version of this data and accompanying interpretations is packaged as a single large compressed file:
L193 and L194 Seismic Surveys (ZIP 1.28GB)

Please be patient when downloading large files as this might take some time depending on your internet connection.