Petroleum Atlas of Victoria (2001)
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Product description:The atlas contains a compilation of regional maps and images that summarise the geological and geophysical framework of the hydrocarbon occurrences, and provide an overview of oil and gas exploration in the State. The atlas is divided into three sections (A to C). Section A is devoted to an overview of Victoria. This sets the scene for the petroleum geology of the Gippsland and Otway basins, which are described more fully in the Sections B and C respectively. Throughout the atlas, a variety of previously unpublished digital images highlight geological features, the significance of which, in the context of hydrocarbon occurrences, have only recently been recognised. This applies especially to the architecture of the Palaeozoic basement which, so far, has been given only limited attention by petroleum explorers. The regional geological work of the Basin Studies Group is an ongoing project and it is planned that some of the images, maps and diagrams will be superseded by updated versions as the work yields new results. The atlas does not attempt to provide complete details of hydrocarbon formation and distribution in the Gippsland and Otway basins or a complete evaluation of the prospectivity of the State. Rather, it has been designed as an introductory guide to new explorers and a reference book for those with previous experience in these basins, as well as general interest in the petroleum geology of the State. Download The downloadable version of this report is supplied in PDF format (49MB). Bibliographic reference Woollands, M.A. & Wong, D., (Eds), 2001. Petroleum Atlas of Victoria. Department of Natural Resources and Environment. |