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CarbonNet - Soil Hydrocarbon Survey - Regional Overview

CarbonNet - Soil Hydrocarbon Survey - Regional Overview
Category: Brochures and guides Product Code: MP-G-t009

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Product description:

The CarbonNet Project (CarbonNet) is investigating the potential for a carbon capture and storage (CCS) network in Victoria's Gippsland region.

As part of CarbonNet’s studies, the Energy and Earth Resources division of the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) (formerly part of the Department of Primary Industries), conducted a soil hydrocarbon survey in Gippsland in 2012. The survey results contribute to a wealth of data being analysed by CarbonNet scientists to further increase their understanding of the region’s geology.

The fact sheet is provided in PDF format (PDF 101KB)