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Stavely Project Report 2 - Stavely Project Historical Mineral Exploration Data Compilation

Stavely Project Report 2 - Stavely Project Historical Mineral Exploration Data Compilation
Category: Stavely Project Product Code: MP-R-155017

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Product description:

The Stavely Project is a collaborative geoscience research project between Geoscience Australia and the Victorian Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (represented by the Geological Survey of Victoria). The aim of the Stavely Project is to improve the understanding of the regional geological architecture and mineral prospectivity of western Victoria, in particular the Cambrian-aged Stavely Arc.

Key findings:
Open-file historical mineral exploration data for STAVELY have been compiled by the GSV into a series of discoverable datasets. These datasets will help to improve exploration efficacy and efficiency for both Cambrian-aged arc-related (e.g., porphyry, epithermal and volcanic-hosted massive sulphide) and younger (e.g., intrusion-related base metals and gold, orogenic gold, and heavy mineral sands) mineral systems in the region. In short, hundreds of kilometres in strike length of prospective Cambrian-aged rock units remain untested by mineral exploration.

This is the most comprehensive data compilation program to have been completed by the GSV to date. The STAVELY compilation work has delivered:
  • a 25% increase in mineral occurrence records
  • a 91% increase in surface geochemistry sample records
  • a 22% increase in the number of drill hole collar records (27% increase in the actual drilling metres record)
  • over 153,200 drilling-related lithology records
  • assay records for over 47,000 drilling samples
  • a centralised thin section petrographic description catalogue
  • a new ground geophysical surveys index and enhancement of the existing airborne geophysical surveys index with additional metadata.

    Bibliographic reference:
    Cairns, C.P., Middleton M.J., Weatherman, M.L., Haydon, S.J., Duncan, R.J. & Say, M.M., 2018. Stavely Project – Historical Mineral Exploration Data Compilation. Stavely Project Report 2. Geological Survey of Victoria. Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.

    The downloadable version of this report is supplied in PDF format and Appendices (ZIP).