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Stavely Project Report 9 - Reprocessed seismic lines: 97AGS-V1, 97AGS-V2 and 97AGS-V3

Stavely Project Report 9 - Reprocessed seismic lines: 97AGS-V1, 97AGS-V2 and 97AGS-V3
Category: Stavely Project Product Code: MP-R-158944

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Product description:

The Stavely Project is a collaborative geoscience research project between Geoscience Australia and the Victorian Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (represented by the Geological Survey of Victoria). The aim of the Stavely Project is to improve the understanding of the regional geological architecture and mineral prospectivity of western Victoria, in particular the Cambrian-aged Stavely Arc.

Executive Summary:
Deep 2D seismic reflection lines 97AGS-V1, 97AGS-V2 and 97AGS-V3 were re-processed and re-interpreted as part of three dimensional geological modelling of the Stavely Arc and surrounds. Significant reflectors could still be resolved after integrating the interpretation with deep 2D reflection seismic data acquired in 2009 (09GA-SD1 and 09GA-AR1). Combined, the 1997 and 2009 deep seismic reflection transects span the full width of the Grampians-Stavely Zone north of the Grampians Ranges, and so represent key tie-points between the horizontal and vertical interpretations which serve to constrain the new STAVLEY 3D model in cross section.

Bibliographic reference:
McLean, M.A., Cayley, R.A. & Cairns, C.P., 2018. Reprocessed seismic lines: 97AGS-V1, 97AGS-V2 and 97AGS-V3, western Victoria. Stavely Project Report 9. Geological Survey of Victoria. Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.

The downloadable version of this report is supplied in PDF format (21.9MB), MS Word text only (30kb) and Appendices (ZIP 770MB).