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VIMP Report 90 - A technical assessment of the yet-to-find hydrocarbon resource inventory, offshore and onshore Otway Basin

VIMP Report 90 - A technical assessment of the yet-to-find hydrocarbon resource inventory, offshore and onshore Otway Basin
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-34469

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Product description:

Victoria’s Otway Basin has been assessed for its likely undiscovered hydrocarbon potential by two independent methodologies, GeoScience Victoria’s PetSys YTF methodology and the USGS’s Seventh Approximation Monte Carlo approach.

Overall, both approaches suggest that the Victorian Otway Basin contains significantly more undiscovered gas than has been found to date in the basin. This finding is consistent with the basin’s essentially frontier exploration status, especially when compared to mature provinces such as the Gippsland Basin.

Bibliographic reference
O'Brien, G.W. & Thomas, J.H., 2007. A technical assessment of the yet-to-find hydrocarbon resource inventory, offshore and onshore Otway Basin, Victoria, Australia. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 90, Department of Primary Industries.

The published report, acknowledgements and disclaimer are available for download

34469 VIMP90 Report (PDF)