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VIMP Report 63 - Mineral exploration history of the Castlemaine, Woodend, Yea, and part of Bacchus Marsh 1:100 000 map areas

VIMP Report 63 - Mineral exploration history of the Castlemaine, Woodend, Yea, and part of Bacchus Marsh 1:100 000 map areas
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-29684

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Abstract This report provides a summary of the work programs conducted by mineral exploration companies within the Castlemaine, Woodend, Yea and northern half of the Bacchus Marsh 1:100 000 map areas since the introduction of the Exploration Licensing (EL) system in 1965. Since that time, 127 licences have expired within the area. A total of 109 ELs are described in this report, the other 18 ELs are not described due to a variety of reasons including non-submission of reports, reports not available in the departmental library, cancelled licences which have amalgamated into current licences, work programs conducted outside the area or exploration data still confidential due to ongoing mining licences. This report provides summaries of the exploration conducted in each EL including stream sediment, soil and rock chip geochemical, geophysical and drilling data.

The tables and maps in this report provide further information on the Castlemaine, Woodend, Yea and northern half of the Bacchus Marsh 1:100 000 map area EL work programs. Tables include details of the geochemical and drilling programs undertaken within the ELs, principal exploration targets, prospects where work has taken place, the time period the licences were held for and expenditure levels for each EL. Maps indicate the location of each EL.

Past mining has not extracted all of the gold from the Castlemaine, Woodend, Yea and northern half of the Bacchus Marsh 1:100 000 map areas and the region remains highly prospective for gold, base metals and other commodities with modern exploration techniques increasing the chances of discovering a new economic mineral deposit. The vast majority of exploration companies have targeted primary and/or alluvial gold. Antimony, tungsten, molybdenum, copper, zinc, nickel, platinum group metals, arsenic, coal and kaolin have also been explored for.

Bibliographic reference Hutchinson, D.F., 1999. Mineral exploration history of the Castlemaine, Woodend, Yea and part of Bacchus Marsh 1:100 000 map areas. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 63. Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

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