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VIMP Report 59 - Mineral exploration history of the Ballarat and Creswick 1:100 000 map areas

VIMP Report 59 - Mineral exploration history of the Ballarat and Creswick 1:100 000 map areas
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-27897

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Abstract This report provides a summary of mineral exploration undertaken within the Ballarat and Creswick 1:100 000 mapsheet areas. Since the introduction of the exploration licence (EL) numbering system in 1965 approximately 190 exploration licences have been granted within the Ballarat and Creswick 1:100 000 map areas, 85 of which are described in this report. The balance of the ELs have been omitted for either failing to submit a report (and any results), exploration programmes completed outside the map areas, or exploration data remaining confidential due to ongoing licences in the area.

The report is aimed at providing explorers with a succinct review of previous exploration and a guide to relevant information and data sets available through the Geological Survey of Victoria. For each EL a summary of the exploration target, geology across the EL, geochemical sampling programmes, geophysical surveys and drilling completed is discussed.

Tables provide further information outlining details of the geochemical sampling and drilling programs, principal exploration targets, period held and expenditure levels. Maps illustrating the positions of the EL boundaries are also included.

Since its discovery in 1851 greater than 350 tonnes of gold has been extracted from several major goldfields across the Ballarat and Creswick 1:100 000 map areas. Of that approximately 34% was mined from hard rock, quartz reefs and 66% from alluvial leads (Finlay & Douglas, 1992). Modern exploration has targeted both hard rock and alluvial gold, principally in areas of historic workings. Other commodities explored for include clay (kaolin), tungsten, phosphate and coal.

Bibliographic reference Radojkovic, A., 1998. Mineral exploration history of the Ballarat and Creswick 1:100 000 map areas. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 59. Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

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