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VIMP Report 47 - Geological interpretation of geophysical features, Bendoc 1:100 000 sheet

VIMP Report 47 - Geological interpretation of geophysical features, Bendoc 1:100 000 sheet
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-29323

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Abstract Detailed airborne geophysical data over the Bendoc 1:100 000 map area have been collected and interpreted as a part of the Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum. The data, collected between 1994 and 1996, comprise parts of the Mallacoota, Murrindal and Orbost helicopter surveys. The most recent geological mapping of the area was completed in 1992.

The most extensive rock types in the Bendoc 1:100 000 map area are Ordovician and Silurian sediments, Devonian volcanics and sediments, and Late Silurian granites. There are also scattered patches of Tertiary volcanics.

The sediments are non to very weakly magnetic. Textural response differences over the Ordovician sediments suggest variation in magnetic pyrrhotite, formed either during sedimentation or later metamorphic or metasomatic events. Variations in radiometric response reflect deep weathering and possible waterlogging.

Major structures trend northeasterly and northwesterly, and most of the intrusions in the area are elongated in the northeasterly direction. Structures such as the Deddick River Fault, Woodglen Fault, Ellery Fault and Combienbar Fault are visible in the geophysical data. The magnetic data show zoning within the granites, suggesting multiple phases of intrusion. The Tertiary Older Volcanics are characterised by high-amplitude and high-frequency response. Normally and reversely magnetised dykes and plugs occur, suggesting at least two episodes of emplacement.

Two magnetic profiles have been modelled to confirm the qualitative interpretation and estimate shape of the intrusions and magnetic properties distribution.

The area has potential for gold and base metal mineralisation. The structure within the Ordovician sediments interpreted from the magnetics, combined with and zones of possible alteration identified in the radiometric data, point to new exploration targets.

Bibliographic reference Oranskaia, A.N., 1997. Geological interepretation of geophysical features, Bendoc 1:100 000 sheet. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 47. Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

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