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VIMP Report 32 - An appraisal of new airborne geophysical data over the Dargo region, Victoria

VIMP Report 32 - An appraisal of new airborne geophysical data over the Dargo region, Victoria
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-26511

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Abstract A detailed geophysical survey was flown over the Dargo region in eastern Victoria during 1995 and 1996 for the Geological Survey of Victoria, as part of the Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Eastern Highlands project. These data supersede previous magnetic and radiometric regional data acquired by the Bureau of Mineral Resources in the 1950's and 1970's.

The Dargo survey was acquired by Geo Instruments using a helicopter mounted system and has 200 m line spacing. The magnetic data were acquired using a towed bird with a nominal terrain clearance of 60 m. The data includes magnetics, radiometrics and a digital terrain model, and was processed by Kevron Geophysics Pty Ltd. Products available from this survey include a range of maps and images on transparency or paper. In addition to hardcopy products, data is also available in digital form.

The magnetic data aids geological mapping, and reflects magnetic and non-magnetic intrusives, metamorphics, sediments, volcanics and dykes. Surface lithological variations are reflected in the radiometric data. Major structures can be traced in the digital terrain model.

The Ordovician metamorphics and sediments and Silurian sediments of the Dargo region are typically non-magnetic, with high magnetic signatures superimposed from deep magnetic sources and magnetic dykes. These metamorphics and sediments are intruded by Silurian and Devonian plutons. Variations in magnetic and radiometric properties of granitic intrusions are apparent, and may aid in mapping and classifying these bodies.

Rifts formed during the Devonian were filled with sediments and volcanics. These rifts show radiometric variations and contain magnetic units. The magnetic data suggests that the Lower Devonian Mitchell Syncline contains as yet unrecognised volcanic units.

Major structures such as the Kiewa Fault generally trend northwest.

The Dargo region offers opportunities for the exploration for gold and base metal deposits. The area has a history of alluvial and hard rock gold mining in the Cobungra, Crooked River - Grant, Cobbannah, Lees Creek, Gladstone Creek, and Dargo - Nicholson Goldfields.

Bibliographic reference Slater, K.R., 1996. An appraisal of new airborne geophysical data over the Dargo region, Victoria. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 32. Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

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