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VIMP Report 29 - Mineral Resources of the Dunolly 1:100 000 map area

VIMP Report 29 - Mineral Resources of the Dunolly 1:100 000 map area
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-26275

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Abstract This report describes the mineral resources and summarises the mineral exploration and mining history of the Dunolly 1:100 000 map area. This information is designed to aid mineral exploration and resource development.

Quartz reefs and alluvial placer deposits within the Dunolly 1:100 000 map area have yielded in excess of 53 tonnes of gold, with a current value of AUS$897M. The gold emphasis of this report reflects the high value of gold produced relative to other commodities within the Dunolly 1:100 000 map area. Detailed location, production and geological information for all mines is presented in the digital Dunolly 1:100 000 map area Mine Database which accompanies this report.

Most modern exploration programmes undertaken within the Dunolly 1:100 000 map area have targeted gold deposits. Molybdenum, copper, silver, tin, tungsten, lead, antimony, bismuth and nickel have been secondary targets.

Exploration and mineral occurrence data, incorporated with new 1:50 000 geological maps and interpretation of airborne magnetic and radiometric data, indicate potential for undiscovered gold deposits within the Dunolly 1:100 000 map area. Underexplored prospective targets include:
  • hardrock gold deposits about magnetic anomalies and lineaments which correspond with known reef gold mineralisation (plus look alike anomalies);
  • hardrock gold deposits within prospective structures and stratigraphic horizons - particularly within "magnetic aureoles" which halo granites;
  • placer gold deposits within shallow and deep leads; and
  • extensions to historic gold bearing reefs.
Bibliographic reference Maher, S., 1996. Mineral resources of the Dunolly 1:100 000 map area. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 29. Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

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