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VIMP Report 23 - Early Cretaceous stratigraphy along the northern margin of the Otway Basin, Victoria

VIMP Report 23 - Early Cretaceous stratigraphy along the northern margin of the Otway Basin, Victoria
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-27255

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Executive Summary A regional well correlation across the northern margin of the Otway Basin has shown that the earliest stratigraphic unit in the basin, the Casterton Formation, shows different lithological and age characteristics between half grabens. Overlying this, the Early Cretaceous Crayfish Group units cannot be reliably correlated across the basin. Three broad subdivisions can be observed and another informal one is proposed here. However, detailed stratigraphic analyses of the Crayfish Group can be achieved within individual half grabens, each with its own unique section of Early Cretaceous units. The overlying Eumeralla Formation is continuous across the Otway Basin but mappable units within it are sparse and no regional subdivision can be made. Late Cretaceous and Tertiary units were not studied.

A succession of palynological zonation schemes has had a large impact on stratigraphic classification in the basin. Problem areas still exist, such as the C. hughesii / F. wonthaggiensis Zone boundary. This boundary is affected by extensive erosion in the western Otway Basin where it lies within the Crayfish Group.

Bibliographic reference Parker, G.J., 1995. Early Cretaceous stratigraphy along the northern margin of the Otway Basin, Victoria. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 23. Department of Agriculture, Energy and Minerals.