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VIMP Report 13 - The geology and prospectivity of the Glenelg region, north west VIMP area

VIMP Report 13 - The geology and prospectivity of the Glenelg region, north west VIMP area
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-27240

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Abstract This report describes the geology, mineral occurrences, prospectivity and exploration history of the Glenelg area and was prepared to assist those carrying out mineral exploration over the area covered by the Glenelg portion of the North West VIMP initiative area. The current exemption on granting mining and exploration licences in this portion of the North West VIMP initiative area will shortly be lifted and those areas not under a current mineral title will become available for licence applications.

The area covered by this report is now thought to lie in the eastern part of the Adelaide Fold Belt and not in the Lachlan Fold Belt which covers the majority of the state. The geology and mineralisation of the area, while not currently well understood, shows some similarities with the Kanmantoo Zone of the Adelaide Fold Belt and displays a number of differences with what is seen to the east within the Lachlan Fold Belt. North-northwest trending belts thought to represent late Precambrian or Cambrian greenstones have been defined by recent airborne geophysical surveys and are of particular interest in the consideration of possible precious and base metal mineralisation.

Mineral and stone deposits occur within the region covered by this report. Commodities identified include precious and base metals, diamonds and semi-precious stones, black and brown coal, dimension stone (sandstone and granite), sand, crushed rock and a number of other metallic and non-metallic commodities. Despite the favourable geological terrain and the presence of known deposits, the region has not been subject to a great amount of intensive exploration and remains highly prospective.

A number of prospective targets have been identified in this report and are based upon new geophysical data, current geological concepts and the interpretation of historic mining and exploration programs. These targets include the identification of features similar to those seen at the Stawell deposit in western Victoria in addition to zones prospective for precious and base metals, bentonite, diamonds, heavy mineral sands, talc and kaolin, dimension stone and several other commodities.

Bibliographic reference Bush, M.D., Cayley, R.A. & Rooney, S., 1995. The geology and prospectivity of the Glenelg Region, North West VIMP Area Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 13. Department of Agriculture, Energy and Minerals.

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