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VIMP Report 12 - An appraisal of new airborne geophysical data over the Tallangatta 1:250 000 map area, Victoria

VIMP Report 12 - An appraisal of new airborne geophysical data over the Tallangatta 1:250 000 map area, Victoria
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-23578

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Abstract This report presents a first look appraisal of new, detailed, helicopter mounted, airborne magnetics and radiometrics data obtained over part of the Tallangatta 1:250 000 map sheet area. The data were obtained as part of the Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum (VIMP) Eastern Highlands Initiative project. The report outlines the survey operations, presents images of the new magnetics and radiometrics data and provides a brief discussion of regional features identified from the survey.

Previous surveys released as part of the VIMP Eastern Highlands Initiative include Orbost (Sands, 1995) and Mallacoota (VandenBerg et al., 1995). The VIMP initiative also involves geological mapping, data compilation and mineral resource assessment. The objective of the work in the Eastern Highlands of Victoria is to promote the mineral potential of the region.

The Eastern Highlands area has been identified as offering unique opportunities for discovering new base metal and large tonnage gold deposits. Potential exists for the discovery of more Benambra-type, high grade base metal deposits in sediments found within the Tallangatta airborne survey area.

Intrusives throughout the Eastern Highlands represent the possibility for large tonnage copper-gold systems similar to those being mined in the Parkes area of New South Wales. Diamonds discovered near Beechworth immediately to the west of the Tallangatta survey indicate a possible source for these within the VIMP Eastern Highlands Initiative area.

As a result of the VIMP initiative the whole of the Eastern Highlands Initiative area will be covered by detailed, high quality airborne surveys by the end of 1997. The data from these surveys allow, for the first time, a detailed geological interpretation and assessment of the mineral prospectivity of this area to be carried out. As a result, new models will be developed for exploration in the region.

Images of the total magnetic intensity, total count, potassium, uranium and thorium are presented in Figures 2-7. The radiometric data have been converted to %K, ppm Th and ppm U in these images.

Bibliographic reference Simons, B., 1995. An appraisal of new airborne geophysical data over the Tallangatta 1:250 000 map area, Victoria. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 12. Department of Agriculture, Energy and Minerals.

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