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VIMP Report 3 - The Exploration Potential of the Permian Numurkah Trough & Ovens Graben

VIMP Report 3 - The Exploration Potential of the Permian Numurkah Trough & Ovens Graben
Category: Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Reports Product Code: MP-R-26564

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1. Present studies have shown that the Oaklands-Ovens Graben, and the Shepparton-Ulupna Graben of the Numurkah Trough contains Stage 1, 2 and 3 Permian sediments which are most likely capable of generating moderate amounts of hydrocarbons.

2. Vitrinite reflectance analyses indicate that at least the lower half of the Permian section in the Oaklands Graben is mature for oil generation. By analogy of Permian sediment thickness, similar maturities have probably been reached in the Shepparton-Ulupna Graben.

3. A thick, good quality reservoir sand exists above the mature source rock section in the Oaklands Graben and migration into such a reservoir could have occurred. Some reservoir quality sandstones are present in the older Permian section of the Ovens Graben, and by analogy may be present in the Numurkah Trough.

4. Several structural troughs or grabens have been identified in the Numurkah Trough which would be worth testing with one or more stratigraphic bores. This would be the only suitable method to ascertain the future prospectivity of the Permian grabens contained within the Numurkah Trough area.

5. At the present state of knowledge on Victorian Murray Infrabasins, the Numurkah Trough appears to contain an adequately thick enough Permian section to warrant further investigation.

Bibliographic reference Holdgate, G., 1995. The exploration potential of the Permian Numurkah Trough and Ovens Graben, Victoria. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 3. Department of Agriculture, Energy and Minerals.