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VicGCS Report 8 - Survey GDPI10 Interpretation Project, Southern Flank, Gippsland Basin

VicGCS Report 8 - Survey GDPI10 Interpretation Project, Southern Flank, Gippsland Basin
Category: Victorian Geological Carbon Storage Reports Product Code: MP-R-39346

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Product description:

Executive Summary The Gippsland Basin is a world-class hydrocarbon province and is widely viewed as highly prospective for large-scale geological greenhouse gas storage. Initial studies of the Gippsland Basin Central Deep identified large capacity storage opportunities, although the shallower southern and northern margins of the basin were viewed as less prospective due to seal capacity. More recently, the possibility for a good seal potential on the Southern Flank has led to further investigations of the area including the acquisition of the 2010 Southern Flank 2D Seismic Survey (GDPI10); an 8000+ line km grid of high quality, regional 2D seismic data across the Gippsland Basin’s Southern Margin.

In February 2012, the Department of Primary Industries, Victoria (DPI) awarded FROGTECH the competitive Tender 314639 to undertake the regional stratigraphic interpretation of the GDPI10 seismic survey. The work was undertaken using IHS Kingdom™ (v. 8.7) as DPI’s preferred software package. The GDPI10 data was loaded into an existing Kingdom project supplied by DPI. New synthetic seismograms, well composites, formation tops and biostratigraphic databases were created by FROGTECH in the Kingdom project.

FROGTECH has completed the seismic interpretation of 13 horizons on the 8000 km survey with ties to 20 key wells distributed across the Southern Flank. A velocity model was developed for the region, and calibrated to velocity information within the wells. Collectively, the resultant project is an integrated and depth-converted, seismic stratigraphic interpretation and geological model for the Southern Flank of the Gippsland Basin. The interpreted model will underpin further studies that assess geological factors relating to storage suitability and capacity.

Download The downloadable version of this VicGCS Report 8 is supplied in PDF format. The accompanying Appendices 1-8 are also available for download and are supplied in PDF format.

Bibliographic Reference BLEVIN, J., CATHRO, D., NELSON, G., VIZY, J. & LEE, J.D., 2013. Survey GDPI10 Interpretation Project, Southern Flank, Gippsland Basin. VicGCS Report 8, Department of Primary Industries.

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