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GSV Report 50 (1977/10) - Subsurface stratigraphy of the Victorian section, Gambier Embayment - Otway BasinSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Describes geological history, stratigraphic nomenclature, distribution and thickness, recognition in bores, lithofacies and subdivisions, mineralogy, electric log characteristics, age, environment of deposition.
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GSV Report 50 (1977/10) - Subsurface stratigraphy of the Victorian section, Gambier Embayment - Otway Basin
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GSV Report 51 (1977/11) - Explanatory notes on the Ballarat goldfield geological mapsSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Describes previous work, stratigraphy, intrusives, structural geology and economic geology.
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GSV Report 51 (1977/11) - Explanatory notes on the Ballarat goldfield geological maps
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GSV Report 52 (1977/12) - Engineering geology of the Berwick areaSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Describes previous investigations, terrain, geology, weathering, geotechnical details, shallow groundwater, mineral resources and waste disposal.
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GSV Report 52 (1977/12) - Engineering geology of the Berwick area
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GSV Report 53 (1977/13) - Explanatory notes on the Glenrowan and Wangaratta 1:50 000 geological mapsSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Describes physiography, stratigraphy, structure and economic geology.
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GSV Report 53 (1977/13) - Explanatory notes on the Glenrowan and Wangaratta 1:50 000 geological maps
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GSV Report 54 (1977/14) - Explanatory notes on the Meredith and You Yangs 1:50 000 geological mapsSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Describes physiography, stratigraphy, structure, groundwater and economic geology.
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GSV Report 54 (1977/14) - Explanatory notes on the Meredith and You Yangs 1:50 000 geological maps
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GSV Report 55 - Explanatory notes on the Dookie and Devenish 1:50 000 geological mapsSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Describes physiography, stratigraphy, structure and economic geology.
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GSV Report 55 - Explanatory notes on the Dookie and Devenish 1:50 000 geological maps
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GSV Report 56 - A pilot study of groundwater recharge at Carrum using treated effluentSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Contains a description of geology and hydrogeology, pumping tests and hydraulic characteristics of the basalt, injection tests and aquifer response, chemical and bacteriological aspects of injection testing, and conclusions and recommendations.
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GSV Report 56 - A pilot study of groundwater recharge at Carrum using treated effluent
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GSV Report 57 - Explanatory notes on the Warragul 1: 250 000 geological mapSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Describes physiography, previous mapping, stratigraphy, fossils and palaeontology, geological history, structure and economic geology.
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GSV Report 57 - Explanatory notes on the Warragul 1: 250 000 geological map
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GSV Report 58 - Effects of channel dredging in Tyabb area on Westernport Basin groundwaterSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Contains regional perspective, description of subsurface geology of the northwestern corner of Western Port, geophysical and hydrochemical investigations, drilling, aquifer testing and analysis, saline intrusion problems, conclusions and recommendations.
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GSV Report 58 - Effects of channel dredging in Tyabb area on Westernport Basin groundwater
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GSV Report 61 - The Stradbroke CoalfieldSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Describes location, regional geology, geology of the Stradbroke area, brown coal resources and hydrogeology.
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GSV Report 61 - The Stradbroke Coalfield
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GSV Report 62 - Explanatory notes on the Portland 1:250 000 geological mapSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Describes physiography, previous mapping, structure, stratigraphy and economic geology.
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GSV Report 62 - Explanatory notes on the Portland 1:250 000 geological map
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GSV Report 63 - Mineral potential of the Snowy River Volcanics and Buchan Caves LimestoneSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Describes regional geological setting, stratigraphy, mineralisation, history of exploration, a statistical analysis of stream sediment data and recommendations for future exploration.
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GSV Report 63 - Mineral potential of the Snowy River Volcanics and Buchan Caves Limestone
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GSV Report 65 - Explanatory notes on the Bairnsdale 1:250 000 geological mapSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Contains a description of tectonic framework, stratigraphy, lithology, structure, physiography, geological history, physiographic evolution and economic geology.
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GSV Report 65 - Explanatory notes on the Bairnsdale 1:250 000 geological map
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GSV Report 66 - Preliminary assessment of the groundwater resources in the Port Phillip regionSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Contains a general description of the area, it's geology, hydrogeology and hydrochemistry, assessment of groundwater pollution, groundwater input into Port Phillip Bay, present usage as well as conclusions and recommendations for future studies.
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GSV Report 66 - Preliminary assessment of the groundwater resources in the Port Phillip region
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GSV Report 67 - Explanatory notes on the Carrajung and Darriman 1:50 000 geological mapsSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Contains a summary of previous work, a description of general geology, physiography, stratigraphy and structure, tectonic history and economic geology.
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GSV Report 67 - Explanatory notes on the Carrajung and Darriman 1:50 000 geological maps
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GSV Report 69 - Explanatory notes on the Western Port groundwater basin 1:100 000 hydrogeological mapSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Contains a map explanation, a summary of geology and hydrogeology, ground water development and management, bore construction and design.
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GSV Report 69 - Explanatory notes on the Western Port groundwater basin 1:100 000 hydrogeological map
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GSV Report 71 - Explanatory notes on the Beechworth 1:50 000 geological mapSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Contains an overview of previous work and a description of physiography, regional geological setting, stratigraphy, structure, mining history and mineral occurrences.
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GSV Report 71 - Explanatory notes on the Beechworth 1:50 000 geological map
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GSV Report 72 - Geology and mineral exploration of the Limestone Creek area, northeast VictoriaSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Contains a description of geological history, stratigraphy, intrusive rocks and structures, mineral exploration history, recorded mineralisation and stream sediment geochemistry.
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GSV Report 72 - Geology and mineral exploration of the Limestone Creek area, northeast Victoria
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GSV Report 73 - Explanatory notes on the Tallangatta 1:250 000 geological mapSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Contains an overview of previous work and a description of tectonics events and geomorphology, stratigraphy, intrusive rocks and economic geology.
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GSV Report 73 - Explanatory notes on the Tallangatta 1:250 000 geological map
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GSV Report 74 - Radiometric age determinationsSearch result relevance: 1 star(s)
Category: Geological Survey Reports
Provides potassium-argon age dating results for 92 Victorian rock samples.
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GSV Report 74 - Radiometric age determinations
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